Fashionphile x Chantelle Malarkey
I recently had an appointment at Fashionphile to sell some of my old designer handbags and look at some of their inventory at their Carlsbad headquarters. Fashionphile is a pre-owned luxury goods seller that has rare pieces from well-known brands. Fashionphile probably has your dream bag sitting in one of their facilities that you can no longer purchase from the original seller or brand. That is why I love it so much. Whether you didn't buy something because you weren't financially ready or sold out too fast, they most likely have that item. Is there something you want and they don't have it? No problem, you can set up an alert on your profile that will let you know when it's in stock. That's how I got my last bag from Fashionphile, the Chanel Caviar Quilted Vanity Case! The best part about this was that with selling my bags, they gave me a 10% discount if I used the credit from the bags I sold. This made the purchase much easier to make for me. I went there to sell some of my old Gucci bags that I no longer was wearing, but I knew someone would cherish that item like I did at one point, and knowing that made the process of selling so much easier.
The headquarters were beautiful, and the experience was tailored to you. You put items in your shopping cart before heading in and they have them all set out for you when you arrive. Once you're there, you can try on the bags and even check out a few pieces you've always wanted to see in person. I was like a kid in a candy shop looking at all these bags from Chanel, Gucci, Hermes, and more. They genuinely have anything that you're looking for. Luxury items keep their value if not increase over time, and that's why I highly encourage my friends to also sell to Fashionphile because that bag could be loved by someone else, plus it gives you a reason to add something new to your closet. So next time you're looking for something new, go to Fashionphile and browse through their wide selection to find that dream bag that you've been coveting for years.
Fashionphile also gave me the opportunity to loan a few bags and take photos with them. I had so much fun styling outfits surrounding the bags and I am so excited to share them with you. Fashion is a branch of who you are and can tell a lot about a person. I love statement pieces but still appreciate a bag that will go with everything and is timeless; through fashionphile I got to use bags that gave me the chance to style both. I am so happy I came across fashionphile and will definitely continue my relationship with them throughout the years. Next time I am looking for a new luxury item I will go back to Fashionphile to find something that I love and that was loved before. xo, Chantelle
sunglasses: Quay | tank: Anine Bing | Kimono: Van De Vort | jeans: Mother Denim | bag: Louis Vuitton c/o Fashionphile | shoes: Schutz
sunglasses: Tom Ford | dress: Ulla Johnson | bag: Chanel c/o Fashionphile | shoes: Chanel
sunglasses: Tom Ford | dress: Vici x Nordstrom | bag: Chanel c/o Fashionphile | shoes: Stuart Weitzman
sunglasses: Tom Ford | top: Anine Bing | belt: Gucci | jeans: Mother Denim | bag: Chanel c/o Fashionphile | shoes: Golden Goose
dress: BB Dakota x Steve Madden | bag: Bottegga c/o Fashionphile | shoes: Valentino